
This past Sunday was National Grilled Cheese Day and the month of April is dedicated as Grilled Cheese Sandwich Month! In honor of this classic American treat, here are some fun facts.

3/4 of people who buy sliced cheese make at least one grilled cheese per month.


And almost 9 out of 10 of Americans eat grilled cheese yearly! A study from 2013 reported that  86% of Americans had eaten a grilled cheese sandwich in the past year.

It’s the best thing since sliced bread.

ThinkstockPhotos-179047531Literally. The invention of sliced bread and processed cheese in the 1920s  helped propel the grilled cheese  sandwich to popularity because it could be made cheaply and easily.

It did not start out as a sandwich.

When they boomed in popularity during WWII the Grilled cheese sandwich only consisted of one piece of bread with cheese, it wasn’t until the 1960s that the second piece of bread was added to make it a true sandwich.

There used to a grilled cheese making championship in Los Angles.


From 1993 until 2014 the Grilled Cheese Inviational in Los Angeles crowned the best toasted cheese sandwich maker in the land.  Unfortunately the event was ended last year.

The world record for eating grilled cheese is 47 sandwiches in 10 minutes.

The world record,  as recorded by major league eating was set by famous competitive eater Joey Chestnut in 2006. Next time you have a grilled cheese just think about eating 46 more!

A single grilled cheese sandwich once sold for $28,000.


In 2004, a woman claimed her grilled cheese sandwich was adorned with an image of the Virgin Mary. She later posted the sandwich on eBay where it was purchased for the outrageous sum.

The typical grilled cheese sandwich contains about 291 calories.


To make a healthier version you can always substitute low fat cheese, whole wheat bread and margarine.

Between the 1920s and the 1970s, the sandwich was called a “Cheese Dream

Other variations on the name have included “melted cheese” and “toasted cheese.”  While “Grilled Cheese” is definitely a more accurate term for the popular sandwich, “Cheese Dream” definitely wins for making the sandwich sound amazing. “Cheese Dream” sounds more like an ice cream flavor than a simple sandwich, but maybe that’s why it didn’t stick around.

How you feel about grilled cheese can say a lot about you.

At least according to Huffington post. An article by the popular online news site claims that grilled cheese lovers are more generous and have more sex than their non grilled cheese indulging counterparts.

Mayo is the secret ingredient for the ultimate grilled cheesed.


You may never have thought to add mayo to your sandwich but apparently the condiment gives it a satisfying crispiness that will make you change what you thought a grilled cheese was supposed to be. Check out this article for details on exactly how use add mayo for your grilled cheese recipe.

Now go make yourself a grilled cheese sandwich and be sure to comment below with your favorite grilled cheese tips and recipes!